Friday, May 17, 2013

City Colleges of Chicago Graduation Ceremony

On May 3rd, 2013 the City Colleges of Chicago had a record graduating class of close to 4,000 students. Over 2,000 attended the graduation ceremony at the UIC Pavillion which included all seven colleges. Many of the graduates were students of mine. What an exciting day! Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon was the keynote speaker.

Mr. Elwood

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Transfer Resources Center

Transfer Center Services  (Jennifer de Luna ) she the transfer director. she will help you find out about City Colleges partnerships with 4-year institutions in Illinois institute of Technology  . Also find out if your desired 4-year institution is regionally accredited.  You can learn more about transfer events on campus or at other City Richard Daley College.

This is the Transfer Center services
and this are the staff talking about what the transfer center services does and do 

Time Management Tips

How do I manage my time when I have a billion things to do?!

1. You should have a calendar to organize all your events. You could have a huge one on your desk or even one on your phone. Having a calendar will allow you to actually see what you have planned and what you can schedule in. 

2. Have a planner to make sure everything is getting done! A planner will allow you to have a list of things that you have to accomplish for the day and will even out your work load. 

3. Always remember that you need to relax once in awhile because you will get over stressed if you are constantly on the move. Your schedule can have a start point and an end point but no ones body can work like that. 

4. Make sure you are open to flexibility once in awhile. There is nothing wrong with having fun and you should be able to when you are always working. Remember to leave space open in your calendar for the little things that are fun. 

5. Use your free time productivity in order to make sure all of your goals and expectations are accomplished.      

6. Plan ahead. Planning ahead will allow you to not do everything in a rush. Let's say you have finals in two weeks, make time in your calendar to study a bit everyday until the test day to have time to really comprehend everything and ask questions in advance instead of cramming.  

7. Make a clear study space that is dedicated to your work and studies. Having your phone in a place far away from your space for example will allow you to stay focused. Your study space will allow you to focus on one specific thing instead of everything coming at you at once. 

8. Make sure you reward yourself for your hard work! Relax and go out with your friends and family when you are done with your work as a treat for finishing. 

Transfer Resources Center

In the Transfer Resources Center we met Jennifer DeLuna she told us that at Daley college they offer free tutoring classes for different subjects and workshops. The Transfer Resources Center just opened in Spring of 2013 they help students find City Colleges' partnerships with a 4-year institutions,learn about transfer events,match your graduation plan to your transfer goal and more.

Daley College - Library

Today I had the opportunity along with some of my class mates to go and see for ourselves what Richard J Daley college had to offer. What caught my attention the most was the library. The library offers a computer software that gives you can access to research that you can use for any type of project that you have for your classes in college. One of the advantages that this college offers, that cached my attention the most was that you can go to the library and do your research or written papers on the computers at any time, even at midnight. The librarian told us that one of the best keys to pass your classes is to make yourself a friends with the librarian, the librarians have a very creative mind that can help you brainstorm for good ideas so you can do your project.

Today at Daley college, working together on the coat of arms activity. 

Daley College Library

This is the library at Richard J. Daley College. I learned that you should be friends with the librarian because they will help you with information on a project, test, report, etc. The college ambassadors actually met with one of the librarians named Sue. She said "always go to the library website because its free information to use." I could use this information one day.

College Ambassadors trip to Daley College.

While at Daley college we participated in a activity called code of arms. Where they gave you a question like who is one of your role models? and you had to put it in a certain space that was provided for that question. In this case it was the top right corner. You could have drew it or  just wrote it out. As you can see some people wrote out the name of their role model but I drew a picture to represent that person.

Richard J. Daley 

Student Activities Room

 Daily college actually have a Student Activity room, and It's really a place where students can hang out.  Daley college uses this room also for leadership activities for the older students at Daley, and for meetings for the student activities like Art club or the student council.  This room have Arcade games, A pool table, A ping pong table and other tables and places that you can be comfortable in.  This is a room that everyone would enjoy if they need to go blow off some steam.

Today on our trip to Richard J. Daley College we got to meet the president of one the 7 Chicago colleges. He seemed like a man that had many wise words. He also told us that we are the future and the fact that we are doing special things with different colleges is really good. He also told us that our high school was special because we were in the early degree program with Richard Daley college which will allow us to get a 2 year degree in a STEM subject early.

Richard Daley college Library

Today was interesting day in Richard Daley College. first we visit the Library . you can do your research paper to the middle of the night. Richard Daley College library is open 24hr/7days. In Richard Daley College  there are approximately 60,000 books in three areas. Stacks, Reference,and Reserve. All may be checked out with the exception of the Reference books,and certain designated Reserve Items. If you ever want to find a book Just log on to

Richard Daley- Paintings

Overall the Richard Daley trip was fun and very informing. I learned many things that I've never thought about before. I loved how everyone was very inviting and smiling welcoming us with open arms. Something that caught my attention the most had to be the paintings and different phrases that were on the wall. It showed the creative side of students and people that attend or work at Daley. Also because I personally plan to or want to be a Journalist. So I guess I have to sort of get use to art even though I plan on being a writer because I know they relate to each other sometimes. All together every thing was fun and interesting more than I expected it to be when we first got there. So it was fun and very inspiring to think about all the help colleges  provide you with. ( Picture Above)

Director of Transfer

During our visit to Richard Daley College we visited the Director of Transfer Jennifer De Luna for Richard J. Daley community college. Jennifer is in charge of making sure your credits transfer to 4 years Universities. Also Jennifer help you find various scholarships. 

Look At Libraries?!

During our visit to Richard J. Daley Community College we met a librarian Sue. Sue brought up something really important when looking at colleges. She said you should look at the college library to know what type of school it is. Is there a librarian around to help you? Is there books?

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